Saturday, September 22

Taxes and the Shortest Summer Ever

In honor of today, the first day of Fall!

Autumn Approaching

Early September marked the beginning of our third month back in the states. Today, as we walk out of our apartment in the DC area that we now call home, a chill can be felt in a late evening breeze. The early mornings are getting progressively colder, the leaves are starting to turn, and you get the distinct feeling that the light tank top and shorts you keep wearing aren't going to cut it much longer.

Where has my summer gone??

I feel I have been cheated out of a proper summer.  Not only has the season flip meant that we only got 2 months off between New Zealand winter and mid-Atlantic fall but, let's be honest, summer was not even really 'summer' in Christchurch. Even the locals said it. Woe is me, I know. But I really feel we missed summer, not just in weather but that everything has been moving so fast since we returned.

At Cape Reinga. My feelings on winter approaching.

Ahh winter, back again so soon!

The Taxman

A tax notice that managed to arrive to my parent's house, sans zip code, from the New Zealand inland revenue department served as another reminder that we lived in Aotearoa. Because let's face it, can you really say you've lived somewhere if you haven't paid taxes? I believe I was told somewhere down the line that on the working holiday scheme I did not need to worry about taxes. However, with the promotional (popsicle) job I was technically 'contracted' and so I did need to file a tax form. I did not owe anything in the end, which was good since that job took out 25% of my paycheck in taxes anyways! I did I guess, just actually needed to fill it out- and it was due in March... Oops.

On the bright side, if I'm losing my summer to NZ at least I'm not losing any more money to them! We now have a wedding to save up for! I have just finished up a quick trip back to Florida that included a bridal show, wedding dress appointments and meetings upon meetings with wedding venues and reception sites. It seems that no matter which of the many different locations and venue types you pick, the cost is going to come out to a similar, very high, number that makes you re-think every purchase you will make for the next 7 months. I saw so many fun, interesting and different places on this trip- and I got to enjoy the sunshine! Now back to the increasingly cooler weather where we will crunch numbers and make some decisions!
Engagement Photo :)

I hope my favourite bride-to-be in Chrsitchurch has her plans coming along nicely as well!

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