Friday, September 30

Goodbye September, Hello New Zealand!

The end of September means T-4 days until I am taking off to the other side of the world to begin what can be called my 'gap year' in New Zealand! For those of you who do not know, a gap year is a common practice in many countries excluding the US, where a student takes a year off to travel and work unrelated to school.  

True, a gap year is generally taken before college, but I feel there is no better time than the present to explore and travel like this before 'the rest of my life' happens. (!)  I will be traveling with my boyfriend, Wells, who will be working on a certificate in Antarctic studies and researches insomnia.  Find him here:

I have two intentions with my blog.  First, it serves as an easy way for me to share my adventures with friends and family, especially since the 15 hour time difference is going to make skype calling a little tricky.  Secondly, this blog is also a way for ME to keep up and record everything that goes on, as it happens.

I am almost done preparing for my 9 month stint in New Zealand.  I have my bags packed (pushing my 70lb weight limit), my Working Holiday Visa acceptance, my international drivers license, Lonely Planet guide book, and copies on my New Zealand style CV.

Although I am taking almost all of my clothes, about 10 pairs of shoes and of course my boyfriend, there are a number of things I feel I am going to miss (aside from of course all of my family and friends!).

I've created a list, which I'll come back to at the end of my trip and see if I really can live without them!

  • Dancing- This will definitely be one of my hardest lifestyle changes.  Studio hunt begins now
  • Holiday Dinners- The way my mom makes them! Though I hear Christchurch is quite British so I am sure I'll be able to find some Yorkshire puddings somewhere...
  • Shortbread- Christmas with the family, stockings, and the long hours we spend when the kitchen turns into a shortbread factory!  
  • My iPhone/ 3G- Turning off my iPhone is going to feel like some sort of social experiment.  I will get a phone in NZ, but I have gotten so used to checking my email, searching on the internet with wifi and especially have GPS everywhere.  Let's break out the paper maps!
  • My Design Programs- As my computer is in no shape to travel, it will not be joining me and that means neither will my Adobe programs.  I'll miss playing and designing, but I guess at least you'll know any picture of me and penguin is real and not Photoshop!
  • 80's Night- Just can't beat that dancing.
  • Spanish- So much for my Spanish minor, New Zealand was not a place colored on on the 'Where in the World do they Speak Spanish' map. I will miss the language, the dancing and of course the food!